
Recycling and old laptop screen

Ivan Lesar

Ivan Lesar

· 3 min read

Got some old laptop lying around? Want to throw it out but never managed to execute that step? Well, I suggest you learn to reuse your tech. With the “Right To Repair” swarming the global news pages, we should broaden our focus to cover all tech, and not just the phones and their manufacturers.



  1. Disassemble your laptop and take the LCD panel
  2. Note the panel model usually written on a sticker on the back of the panel

Homeasisstant Lovelace Card

  1. Order a LCD controller for the noted model (Ebay, Aliexpress)

Homeasisstant Lovelace Card

  1. When delivered, connect the controller to the LCD panel
  2. If everything works, try to fit the all of the components into a picture frame. I bought mine in IKEA because they had one with perfect fit dimensions.

Homeasisstant Lovelace Card

  1. Make sure to make alterations which are needed so the LCD panel fits the frame cutout perfectly. I had to take a chunk out of the back panel of the frame with a Dremel tool.
  2. Test that everything works by attaching it to a device with a video output.
  3. Assemble the frame back together by adding a back panel to cover all of the components.
  4. That should be it. If none of the components are faulty, your screen will shine.

Homeasisstant Lovelace Card

Putting it to good use

Since your new screen is not coupled with a piece of hardware which delivers the video signal, you can use it for whatever you want. I attached it to a Raspberry Pi Zero W which I had laying around.

I created a Google Photos smart photo album which adds all of my family member photos according to the faces which are appearing in photographs. After that, whipped up a web app with a NodeJS backend which serves a random photo from that album.



Get the ID by creating a shareable album URL and copy the hashed string at the end of the route. Set the ID inside the .env file.


I’m very pleased with couple of my latest creations because I stepped up my game and stopped making prototypes. The need for production ready, reliable and robust products just couldn’t be kept under the rug anymore.

You can expect more DIY tutorials in the future.

Share any worries that you might have about this build or improvements which you think I should consider.

The links to all components can be found at the top of the article. ☝️


First try caused a glitch due to a bad connectionProject electronic partsParts fixed in a photo frameBootin linux in the prototypeSoftware installation

Ivan Lesar

About Ivan Lesar

Curious overthinker with a purpose to tinker. Software engineer with a background in mathematics.
Copyright © 2023 Ivan Lesar. All rights reserved.